At the South Bay Dojo we teach traditional Shotokan Karate-do as well as important life lessons such as discipline, focus, and confidence. Our practises consist of three parts; Kihon (kee-hohn) – stances, blocks, punches, strikes and kicks; Kata (ka-ta) – pre-arranged forms simulating combat situations; and Kumite (ku-mi-tei) – controlled sparring. In each category, the beginner is given instruction at the most basic level until the techniques become spontaneous. As the student progresses technically, he or she progresses physically as well, and advanced practices demand greater stamina. At this stage, the student becomes involved with more intricate and difficult Katas and more dynamic forms of Kumite. We believe training in Shotokan Karate-do is a life changing experience. And to get the most out of this experience it’s best to have the most resources to help your practice time at home. Please use this link ( to research more about our SKA curriculum. At the South Bay Dojo we strongly believe, “the more accurate and consistent your practice is outside of the dojo, the more progress you will make inside the dojo.”
Thank you for your interest in the South Bay Dojo. We hope to see you soon!
Video – Shotokan Karate of America (SKA) 60th Anniversary Practice
- Summer Special Training 2016
- 2014-11-18
- With Melissa Acosta-Jensen, Cora Manuel, Caylor Adkins and David W. Affeld
- South Bay Dojo Kyu Test 2016
- South Bay Dojo Group Photo
- 2012 Joint Practice with the new Long Beach Dojo
- 2017 Exchange practice with CSU Long Beach Shotokan
- 2015-11-19 Jenna — with Jerome Douglas Walters Paul Morgan and Dave Shaver